Thursday, January 15, 2015


This is my first post post in Korea its an interesting country but very different to Australia.

Map of Korea
 The Incheon airport is giant. We flew with Korean air, it was nice even though I watched movies the whole time. We went on a one hour bus trip to Seoul the captail city. We stayed at a church stay we slept on the floor but the floor had underfloor heating.

The changing of the guards at the palace
A meal we ate called Shabu Shabu
The next day we went to underground flower market, a palace, two markets, passed two statues, a 3D museum and ate at a returant were we sat down on the with no shoes on!

Map of Yesou

The next day we got up early and went on a four bus trip to Yesou were we stayed at a Missonary Training Instute (MTI). I will post photos of Seoul on my next blog.
A turtle ship

